First drop a hog in southwest to lure out the CC. You might not get *all* the wizards out, but as long as you get a majority out, lava pups can finish off the remaining few.
Drop your king in the very bottom corner to draw the troops down south, and then hit them with a poison and your queen to finish them off.
Drop your lava hounds in the following order pictured above. Drop the CC lavaloon first, and quickly drop the rest around the top in a wide arc. Dropping the lava hounds out wide does two things: it draws the attention of more defenses, and it sweeps up air traps so they don't hit your balloons. I just drew the red lines to show the predicted pathing of the lava hounds, for those curious.
After your last lava hound is dropped, IMMEDIATELY release all your balloons in a wide arc, from left to right. It's very important to drop your balloons right after your lava hounds are dropped, because the lava hounds won't last long without the balloons destroying defenses.
The rest of the attack comes down to spell placement. Use hastes and rages on the appropriate defense clusters (I would use the rages on the xbows and air defenses). And if you have a remaining poison, use it on the queen to weaken her for lava pups to finish her off. Try not to have your spells overlap to make the most out of them. This attack all comes down to speed and spells. Good luck!